My Games & Projects
Monkeymatics is a game I worked on as part of a team for a UC Game Dev Society game jam. You play as a monkey working in a dangerous facility to melt down and refine scrap weapons. Move each limb individually, and try not to suffer injuries in your "safe" workplace! Being a larger group for the game jam, it was fun to come up with and bounce ideas off of everyone until we settled on an idea for the jam. In terms of development, I programmed the item drops and collecters work and comunicate with the rest of the game.
The game can be played here!

Mr. Marlow's Manor of Mayhem
Mr. Marlow's Manor of Mayhem is an augmented reality escape room game, using the Microsoft Hololens and Motive Optitrack. Players can use objects in the real world to interact with virtual objects, and escape the evil Marlow's mind-boggling manor. The project was originally made for Prod-322, but is currently on hold for the Digital Screen campus to continue paid work. For this project, I designed many of the puzzles, implemented them, and created models throughout the experience. Working on this project has taught me how to navigate using unique technologies and trying to get those technologies to work together. It's been a very fun experience, as working with unusal technologies is a big interest of mine.

A Slick Escape
For the 2023 Global Game Jam, I worked on “A SLICK ESCAPE”. You play as a science experiment that has gained sentience, and attempts to feed and grow large enough to escape the lab. For this project I coded the food and the experiment's growth and shrinking, which works as a binary tree. I also created the particle effects, which gave me good practice with Unity's particle system.
The game can be played here!

In SwapRun, you swap between the hunter and the prey. Run from the monster as the walls of the labyrinth appear around you. Collect the artifacts and chase your own body through the eyes of the beast that was hunting you. For this I implemented both character's pathing through the maze - something I did before I was aware of Unity's navmesh system, and that has improved my ability to implement simple AI functions in games. I also created the pixel art for the game, an experiment in using pixel art sprites in a 3d game.
The game can be played here!

Nextmind Horror Game
In this untitled greybox horror game, players wear the Nextmind headmounted brain sensor. Players can focus on certain objects to pick them up or interact with them and halt the monster chasing you in its tracks. This was my first real experience with working with technology this unusual, and it was fun coming up with ideas for gameplay elements that players could use this peripheral in an engaging and interesting way.